Recanto São Francisco Orphanage

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Imagine one has a professional life where all is taken care of and future looks bright in terms of finances and job security. Imagine that one decides to pursue a different goal in life, leaving ‘all ships’ behind, and making the choice to dedicate ones future to giving a group of less fortunate children a chance to a better life. Do you think this will likely happen ?

This is the founding story of the ‘Recanto São Francisco’ orphanage in Extrema. This orphanage is situated just off the road to Extrema, on the border of the São Paulo and Minas Gerais state, some 120 kilometers from the city of São Paulo. The site was selected for its relative remoteness to the big city influences, and for its splendid nature. In 1992 Oscar Brenninkmeyer, who had just left his family company, acquired a piece of land on a remote, though beautiful hilltop, and together with a group of volunteers constructed the orphanage as it is standing today. In total a staff of about ten adults (including a few grown-up orphans from the early days) runs the daily life.

The main objective of the orphanage is to create a positive loving environment in which the often abandoned and neglected children feel at home and cared for, as a basis for social and professional development. A significant effort is invested in re-socializing the children after they come in. Often there is initial mistrust against adults due to abuse, and also a normal social framework has not been built in their early childhood. Apart from the practical perspective, this is also where the care for their vegetable garden and life-stock plays an important role. In addition all children are significantly behind their age groups with respect to schooling and education.

After having cared for around 25 children for a number of years, the group was extended to around 50 children of ages 5 to 21 in the middle of 2001, after another orphanage merged with Associação Recanto São Francisco as its full name goes.

A normal daily program consists of doing early morning duties; going to school; taking care of garden and life-stock; children helping other children with homework; playing (soccer; running around); as well as spending ‘playtime’ on recently donated computers (a nice way to catch-up on educational back-logs), and watching some video’s or television. In the weekends a large part of the group jointly has caipoeira classes in Extrema, as well as uses the opportunity to sell some of the excess vegetables and self-made artwork on the local market. A crucial philosophy throughout all deployment of activities is that the children (re)-build their self-esteem. One can imagine that self-esteem and confidence is boosted when thirds express praise for theatre; acrobatics and/or circus demonstrations. In short children are brought up until the moment they are able to take care for themselves.

With his unique warm and charismatic personality Oscar and his staff have realized something extraordinary in this orphanage. When asking children for their (comparative) experiences they virtually unanimously answer that the orphanage is ‘paradise on earth’, which provides a special sense of gratitude for all that is being done.

However ‘warmth’ alone is not sufficient to raise such a group of children. Raising all these children brings about a constant need for funding, which is one of the main worry areas of the orphanage staff. Funding is sought for daily needs as clothing; medical and psychological help; electricity; educational and art materials; salaries for staff members; transportation, etc. etc. Monthly costs per child are around US$ 150 (R$ 400), which adds up to a significant amount for 50 children. Another dream the staff would love to be able to give the older children, is the ability to study even beyond their 18th anniversary

In case you think you can help in any material or financial way, you can contact Oscar by writing to the address on this leaflet. As every bit counts, you should not worry about the size of your contribution, as everything will be received with a deep sense of gratitude.

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