Operation Big Mac Attack Trying to fit 43 youngsters from São Paulo’s Favela de Paraisópolis in a McDonalds playground built to support 15 is certainly a microcosm of the problems Brazil faces today, but Saturday, February 3 a group of young men rose to the occasion with goodwill, dedication and fast food.

Now that's a happy cow

The São Paulo Round Table organised and financed the outing that took these children aged from six to twelve to a McDonalds restaurant in Santo Amaro - most of them were going for their first time. After a round of games including musical chairs and a puppet show, Happy Meals were served
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Supplies provided by O malleys    
When seconds and, in some cases, thirds were gobbled up, the bunch was taken to the playground where the standing food regime was toppled and chaos was unleashed. Understandable, since the structure wasn’t built to that capacity, but with some authority, all had a great time with no injuries. With the promise of cake and ice cream, it was quite easy to return the young ones to the party room. A couple of the children had never seen ice cream in their lives, and were reluctant to eat it.

When it was time for them to board the coach, Round Tablers gave each child a Happy Meal box which they though was empty, only for them to find a toy on their ride back home - reminding them that what us more fortunate people can do for them doesn’t fit a time-frame, but stays with them forever


The trip was made possible with the Round Table’s initiative, and the presence of six members supervising and playing along with the children. The staff at McDonalds also deserves mention: for supplying the party room, entertaining the children free-of-charge and staying cheerful before complaints from other customers.

when i grow up i want a job here


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